Chain lifter changer and storage rack (AHTS)

Chain lifter changer and storage rack for anchor handling vessel

Part of our Safer Deck Operations philosophy aiding the safe changing of cable lifters whilst at sea.

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Make life safer for deck crews of anchor handlers and reduce port time

Our remote controlled chain wheel changers can make life safer for deck crews of anchor handlers and reduce port time. Handling rig chain is an important function for an AHTS. A cable lifter on the main winch is designed to take a particular size of chain link.

Changing to a different size used to mean a return to base. By using a chain wheel changer the job can now be done on board in the open sea. With the on board changer system chain wheels for several sizes of chain are stored in one or more racks.

With minimum of manual intervention, and by remote control, the equipment is used to remove one chain wheel from the winch shaft and move it to the rack for storage, bring the correct one for the next task and fit it to the winch. A specially designed tool, fitted to the winch shaft prior to the changing operation, is used to gently guide and rotate the chain wheel off and on to the winch shaft.

The result is saving of time and reduced risk to the crew.

Lifecycle support for your vessel