Meteorological Ground Stations
Meteorological Ground Stations
MEOSTM Polar Ground Station is a complete turnkey system for acquisition, processing, and distribution of Meteorological data from Direct Broadcast EOS satellites such as METOP, NOAA, TERRA and AQUA, FY-3, S-NPP, NOAA20/21, METOP-SG A/B, and AWS.
MEOSTM Polar is an advanced and flexible reception system for meteorological data with confirmed availability of > 99.9%.

MEOS™ Polar Ground Station
A multi-mission, flexible and modular turnkey system for acquisition, archiving, processing, analysis and distribution of meteorological data.
The MEOS™ Polar Ground Station supports the following satellites: NOAA, TERRQA and AQUA, METOP, FY-3, S-NPP, NOAA20, METOP-SG, SARAL, OCEANSAT. MEOS™ Polar supports other missions upon request.
The MEOS™ Polar Ground Station can be delivered with support for any combination of these missions depending on the customer’s requirements.
The MEOS™ Polar support direct broadcast reception in L- and X-band.
For detailed specification, please download the MEOS™ Polar datasheet.