Register your interest to become a supplier

Register your interest to become a supplier to Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace by submitting your company’s information using this questionnaire. Submit only non-proprietary information. The submitted information will be available to all Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace procurement personnel for consideration when requirements are determined to align with your capabilities, products or services.

What parts or working operations are transferred/outsourced to subcontractors for production or treatment?

What parts or working operations are transferred/outsourced to subcontractors for production or treatment?

Is the company certified to any of the following standards?

Is the company certified to any of the following standards?

ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 27001
AQAP 2110
AQAP 2210

Please list any other quality certifications your company holds:

Please list any other quality certifications your company holds:

Which quality tools are utilized?

Which quality tools are utilized?

Does your company conduct its business consistently with the eight fundamental International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions?

Does your company conduct its business consistently with the eight fundamental International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions?

If representatives from Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace and/or the end-user wish to carry out audits, are there any limitation of access to the premises where products are machined, manufactured, tested, stored or packed for Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace?

If representatives from Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace and/or the end-user wish to carry out audits, are there any limitation of access to the premises where products are machined, manufactured, tested, stored or packed for Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace?

Has the company implemented a policy of social corporate responsibility (CSR) in line with the requirements outlined in our Supplier Conduct Principles?

Has the company implemented a policy of social corporate responsibility (CSR) in line with the requirements outlined in our Supplier Conduct Principles?

Please feel free to let us know of any comments or special circumstances:

Please feel free to let us know of any comments or special circumstances: