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Echo sounder sweep system, MCU

Echo sounder sweep system - MCU

The EA Multi Channel Unit (MCU) is a hydrographic echo sounder sweep system specifically designed for use in canals, rivers and other shallow bodies of water. Its precise depth and bottom detection capabilities provide detailed bottom imagery.

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This compact, multi-channel echo sounder, based on Windows XP® software, can simultaneously monitor both depth and bottom profile. All data is shown in real time using a colour-coded waterfall display which graphically represents areas of common depth using different colours. A minimum depth parameter can also be entered as a visual shallow-water warning (waterfall display data under the specified minimum depth parameter will be colour coded red).

While sweeping, depth data can be simultaneously exported through a network (socket) to third part survey software running on the same computer.

For canals, rivers and shallow water

In the EA MCU software, the system can control two different frequencies simultaneously, e.g. 15 kHz and 200 kHz. By using two different frequencies, the system will provide both accurate bottom depth and penetration information depend of sediment concentration.

Both depth and bottom profile

This compact, multichannel echo sounder can simultaneously monitor both depth and bottom profile.

Customer benefits of an echo sounder sweep system

The EA MCU echo sounder sweep system has several advantages including:

  • Bottom detection capabilities specially suited for use in shallow water
  • Consistent and accurate data over an entire sweep
  • Replay of raw data
  • Is simple to configure the x,y and z coordinates of the transducers.
  • Transducer mode, parameter and display settings, to be stored in the computer’s hard drive.
  • Storing of real time sound velocity (SVP) smart sensor

A variety of uses

  • Detecting and locating debris or other hazards to navigation in harbours, rivers or canals so that they may be removed
  • Monitoring the charted safe depth of navigable waterways
  • Surveying shallow inland bodies of water, estuaries, marsh or tidal areas
  • Monitoring dredging or underwater construction operations
  • Monitoring silt build-up or shifting bottom topography for commercial or environmental studies

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