Simrad PI50 Summary

The Simrad PI50 is an advanced real-time catch monitoring system for trawl and purse seine equipment.

  • New user interface
  • Menu system in all languages
  • New PI50 Receiver unit
  • Innovative technology
  • Software runs on personal computer
  • Works with standard colour displays
  • Prepared for wide screens (16:9)

In order to fish efficient, it is important to know how your gear behaves in the sea.

The Simrad PI50 system provides you with essential information. This can for example be the stability of the trawl doors, the amount and quality of your catch, the behaviour of your bottom or pelagic trawl, or the correct timing of a purse seine.

A large selection of wireless sensors is available for the Simrad PI50. Placed on the trawl, purse seine or danish seine they will provide you with valuable and accurate information about the gear, its behaviour and the environment.

This screen capture (from a simulated environment) shows the Simrad PI50 set up to work with a set of sensors: Depth, Spread, Height, Temperature and a Geometry set. Large and clear digits provide you with an instant feedback from the gear. As an additional feature, you can open any number of graphs to view the recent movements of selected sensors.


Fish-finding products