EK Mission Planner

EK planning tool for autonomous missions

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The EK Mission Planner is a planning and programming tool for autonomous EK systems that include WBAT and WBT Mini.

Planning and Programming Tool

The EK Mission Planner lets you set up all necessary parameters related to "wake-up" and "sleep" times for the echo sounder, as well as the transmission modes, intervals, and other parameters. After you have planned the deployment carefully, all settings are uploaded to the transceiver.

Typical Applications

The EK Mission Planner is used in preparations before subsea deployment in typical applications like ocean observatories, fish mitigation studies, long-term biological studies, and improved fish stock assessment.

Key features

  • Member of the EK wideband echo sounder family
  • Control of all necessary parameters for an autonomous mission plan
  • License-free software

Current software version

We recommend that you always keep your system upgraded with the latest software version

All applicable information related to this software release can be found in the Software Release Note.

Current software version is


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