Blue Insight

Automates the data stream from a wide range of sensors and platform types

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Kongsberg Blue Insight is an open and flexible digital infrastructure product designed to meet the increasing demand for accurate information from the oceans, focusing on internet security and seamless integration. The Blue Insight automates the data stream from a wide range of sensors and platform types and visualizes them in a common framework. The solution facilitates modern data processing and machine learning, providing new understanding and in-depth knowledge.

BI Remote

Control echo sounder operation and data quality from remote app.

BI Processing

Simplified deployment of algorithms on vessels with workflow management of automated processing pipelines.

BI Geomatics

Retrieve, organize, and transfer data from ship to shore. Includes both raw data and metadata.

BI Monitoring

A digital representation of the physical world. Links and visualize internal and external data.

Key features

  • One-stop solution that provides real-time overview across platforms and data types
  • Flexible and scalable, suitable for both small and large organizations
  • Open ecosystem building on FAIR data principles
  • Allows for deployment of customized machine learning algorithms
  • Cyber-secure solution

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