YearAnyMonthAnyJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberEEZ does it – fast, efficient and sustainable mapping of Cayman Islands seafloorSaildrone has deployed a state-of-the-art Surveyor USV on a unique mission to map 29,300 square nautical miles (100,530 sq km) of the Cayman Islands' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Kongsberg…Communicating data through frozen depthsSubZeroSpace brings together each partner's collective talents, resources and networks to solve a challenge that impacts the effective communication of data worldwide, and beyond. Combining multiple…Historic infrastructure inspection on Lake SuperiorDemonstrating the ability of advanced hydroacoustics to illuminate the world beneath the waves with a detailed, efficient, and comprehensive inspection of the historic Lower Harbor Ore Dock at…Navier USN Autonomous Ship World ChampionsThe Njord Challenge 2024 took place at Havet Arena in Trondheim, gathering seven teams and their Autonomous Surface Vehicles for an international competition. Navier USN from the University of…Commissioned at the Naval Dockyard in ViskhapatnaSaturday 3rd of February INS Sandhayak was commissioned at the Naval Dockyard in Viskhapatnam, by the Minister of Defence Mr. Rajnath Singh. Partnering with Arctic Storm for advanced processing vesselThe first US-built trawler-processor for Alaskan pollock in over three decades is now undergoing sea trials in the Northern Pacific, testing an integrated technology package from Kongsberg Discovery…Load more