cNODE Explorer


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cNODE Modem Explorer is designed for integration onto AUVs, ROVs or other vehicles where space and weight are restricted. The cNODE electronics can be supplied in a pressure rated underwater housing or in compact lightweight non pressure rated housing for full third party integration.

Versatile Integration and Compatibility

cNODE Modem Explorer is a compact transponder and modem fully compatible with HiPAP, cPAP and μPAP underwater positioning systems. Both Low Frequency and Medium Frequency models are available. cNODE Modem Explorer interfaces to the subsea vehicle via a serial interface to transfer modem data. The transparent modem capability allows commands and data to be transmitted to and from the subsea vehicle from the customers topside control system, via the vessels HiPAP system.

Optimized Positioning and Telemetry

cNODE Modem Explorer may be connected with up to three remote transducers. The transducers may be selected and switched electronically by the subsea vehicle control system or acoustically, to optimize for example vertical or horizontal telemetry and positioning performance. The modem use Cymbal acoustic protocol.

Key features

  • SSBL and LBL Positioning
  • 560+ Cymbal channels and HPR
  • High speed telemetry capabilities
  • Modem Function
  • Interleaves positioning and communication
  • Interface up to 3 remote transducers
  • 20-30kHz (MF) and 10-15kHz (LF) Models
  • Transmitting power (max): 100W

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