Sonar systems

The fish-finding sonars developed and produced by KONGSBERG are marketed and sold with the SIMRAD name. This is a brand that, ever since the 50s, has been synonymous with solid and innovative technical solutions, future-oriented products, and high-quality and accurate sonar data. Fishing vessels around the world use SIMRAD sonars.


9 products
Showed 0 of 9 products


SpecificationSimrad MF90Simrad SN90Simrad SU90Simrad SX90Simrad SY50Simrad ST90Simrad FS70MRU SSimrad SN50
Roll/pitch Static RMS
not applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no data0.2°not applicable or no data
Roll/pitch Dynamic 1-sigma
not applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no data0.1°not applicable or no data
Heave Real-time RMS
not applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no data15 cm/15 %not applicable or no data
Heave Period Real-time
not applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no datanot applicable or no data18 snot applicable or no data

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