Scott Loranger

High resolution water mass mapping

Ocean Observation & Measurement: Observing Systems

When: 10:00 - 11:40, Tuesday 12th Mar
Where: South Gallery Room 7 & 8

Scott Loranger is an acoustical oceanographer and marine technology expert working with Kongsberg Discovery. He obtained his PhD in oceanography from the University of New Hampshire and has done postdoctoral research with the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Dalhousie University, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. His research focuses on using broadband acoustic backscatter to detect, identify, and quantify a range of targets including fish, plankton, water masses, frontal boundaries, turbulence, gas bubbles, and oil droplets. At Kongsberg Discovery he facilitates the use and integration of broadband acoustic technology in ocean science.

Scott Loranger

Topic: "High Resolution Water Mass Mapping"