Newsroom YearAny202520232023MonthAnyJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberCategoryAnyDiscoveryAutonomous and uncrewed solutionsPress releaseOcean scienceFish-finding24 Feb 2025discoveryautonomous and uncrewed solutionsSuccessful tests for Hugin to U.S. NavySuccessful completion of acceptance testing for the HUGIN Superior AUV system by the Defense Innovation Unit and U.S. Navy. 07 Feb 2025Financial results Q4 2024: Growth in operating revenues and profitabilityKONGSBERG (OSE: KOG) delivered a solid increase in both operating revenues and profitability, achieving a strong order intake in 2024. The company concludes the year with a record-high order backlog…06 Feb 2025press releaseNorway must join the quantum raceQuantum technology will change the world and affect essential societal functions. Norway's leading experts are now recommending that the country's politicians prepare a national strategy for quantum…08 Jan 2025discoveryocean sciencepress releaseNaxys Technologies acquired by Kongsberg DiscoveryThe Bergen-based company is a world leader in technology for underwater environmental monitoring, with a specialism in recognizing the sound of oil and gas leaks. 20 Nov 2024discoveryfish-findingpress releaseNext generation trawl sonarWith the launch of the breakthrough FS80 Trawl Sonar, we are heralding a new age of efficient, simplified, and sustainable pelagic trawling. The compact, modular and multifrequency solution is the…24 Oct 2024discoveryFinancial results Q3 2024: Growth and solid profitability in the quarterKONGSBERG (OSE: KOG) delivered revenue growth of 19 per cent compared to Q3 2023. The solid profitability this quarter demonstrates KONGSBERG’s ability to scale effectively with growing operating…04 Sep 2024discoveryautonomous and uncrewed solutionsSmashing AUV records, HUGIN Endurance completes a multi-week fully autonomous missionKongsberg Discovery is excited to announce another successful milestone reached in the development of HUGIN Endurance following a record setting multi-week fully autonomous mission. After receiving a…19 Jun 2024discoveryocean scienceEcho sounder upgrade opens new frontiers in Ocean Science Ocean Science specialist Kongsberg Discovery is strengthening its industry-leading EK80 echo-sounder product family with unprecedented wide-band low-frequency capability that will enable customers…Load more