K-Sim Offshore - Deck Operator Trainer Solution
K-Sim Offshore may be configured with several sophisticated student stations for deck operator training. The cutting-edge system is specially designed to train crew in deck operations both for daily procedures as well as emergency situations.
The Deck Operator Trainer uniquely utilises the Kinect™ for Windows motion sensing device to track the students’ movements in order to display them on a highly realistic depiction of the back deck. This enables students to physically walk around the deck area, completing set tasks according to the specific exercise. They are equipped with a virtual toolbox presented on a touch screen close by and two are also equipped with a winch/block control device, which is a physical device worn around the waist, allowing them to select and control the correct winch/block for the job – exactly as in real life.
The system features an accurate hydrodynamic model, 3D hull design and realistic back deck to ensure that students relate to the simulated vessel environment during training. The detailed hydrodynamic model behaviour is an important aspect for vessel navigators and operators on the back deck, as the operation of winches etc. changes according to conditions and vessel motion. The Deck Operator Trainer provides realism in all details!